Case For GaitKeeper®
GaitKeeper® Motion Intelligence
Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Compay Name: Lorem Inc.
Date: Jan 2018
Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus
Why We Went Through GaitKeeper®
Te sea deleniti suscipiantur deterruisset, eu quis detracto sapientem mea. An purto dicunt deserunt vix, eam te iudico tritani. Dicunt iriure ex sed, ex wisi timeam deterruisset vim Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero
Donec lacinia, felis eu porttitor molestie, nibh lacus commodo lorem, vitae dapibus metus enim ac libero. Integer in enim in enim volutpat rhoncus. Integer et tempor nulla:
Real Outcome Measures
Vivamus vehicula, enim et malesuada pretium, arcu purus sodales dolor, finibus consecttur nunc felis id purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectnetus
The Results
Drop your stop watch, clipboard and fitbit wearables. GaitKeeper® will give you 100% visibility, most thorough supportive documentation and irrefutable video (kinematic) and foot force (kinetic) reporting. Not performing outcome measures? (Call us now!)
Increase In Supportive Documentation
Increase In Referrals
Decrease in AR
Decrease in Audits
“Practices need to be evidence based and supply outcome measures. AOPA has indicated that there’s been a drop-off of 10% each year within our profession. The need has never been more important to implement performance testing and supportive documentation that proves necessity.”
“GaitKeeper® is outcome measures.”
“Are you guys publicly traded? If you were listed, I would invest in your company.”
“O&P (practices, manufacturers, referring physicians and insurance payers) needs to come together and make GaitKeeper® the gold standard.”
“GaitKeeper® is the solution we have all been looking for. For O&P to be taken serious as a healthcare profession and to differentiate ourselves as professionals not DME providers we need to embrace this full body motion analysis system to supply outcome measures of this level. Imagine a world where you get paid for what you do and on-time without jeopardizing care due to lack of reimbursement.”
“GaitKeeper® is that gold standard that takes all the subjectivity out of the O&P – DME transaction. Now we have the ability to document patient performance and necessity without having a vested interest. GaitKeeper® supplies makes our practice evidence based and allows our practitioners and referring physicians the ability to back their notes and get rewarded for giving the best level of patient care.”
“GaitKeeper® is cheaper than one audit.”
“We needed a markerless system to reduce our man-hours, increase our throughput and access raw data for our research but have GaitKeeper®’s automated reporting capabilities for our O&P clinical needs.”
Partnering With GaitKeeper®
Here’s a few leading practices that are committed to being evidence based and supplying outcome measures through GaitKeeper®.
Get Started With GaitKeeper®
Join the movement to be among the top leading healthcare practitioners in Orthotics-Prosthetics, Physical Therapy and Orthopedics. Implement outcome measures testing and improve your billings, reimbursements and relationships with referral sources today!
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