Streamline reimbursement and have full visibility on clinical outcome measures.

Motion Intelligence

Streamlined Performance Measures

Reports Customized For Payers

Automated Reporting (AI/MI/IoT)

Outcome Measures for Insurance Payers Needs to Happen
It doesn’t matter if you’re UHC or a smaller ACO these days. The need for qualitative outcome measures is a must.
Have you been looking for something to replace your stopwatch and clipboard, free up your audit, billing examiners, or simply don’t have access to hospital/university gaitlabs that requires several PhD/Engineers to administer?
GaitKeeper® Coverage™ edition is what you’ve been looking for. Humana, Aetna and UHC we have been listening and we allow you to have full visibility from patient intake, establishing baselines, delivery and final payment, to medicare audits. Our system allows you to get your relevant data quickly and have longitudinal patient repository across all facets of healthcare. We have created the world’s easiest outcome measure technology for payers.

Our Motion Intelligence™ Process
Patient Data is nice, but Patient Information is actionable. GaitKeeper® provides insurance payers teams access to Motion Intelligence™ through our patient activity reporting and full-body motion analysis.
Obtain actionable patient information that gives your team tangible and trusted data. Wow your ACOs network, access in real-time the most robust and thorough patient supportive documentation possible.

Reimbursement Strategy
Change the game and have eyes on multiple sectors of healthcare. Have control and audit protection with medicare reimbursement.

Automate Outcomes
Customize outcome measure reports for your specific needs. Have consistency and have automation save on human and fiscal capital expenditures.

Patient Population Comparison
Every patient is added to our repository and allows us to take a look at outcome trends and patient KPIs.

Monitor Improvement
Would you like to have insights into specific part of healthcare, and see if patients are improving? Now you have that ability to access those data sets.
Use GaitKeeper® For:
Amputee – Orthotics & Prosthetics
Workers’ Comp
Why GaitKeeper®?
Our patented technology is allowing practices to get full visibility on their patients. In less than 15 minutes you can have a full battery of performance measures recorded and the advanced algorithms will produce a patient activity report ready for reimbursement. Yes, this frees you up to work with your patient while tracking your progress and justifying your patient outcomes.
Our GaitKeeper® system enables your practice to become efficient, scalable and gives a complete ROI.

HIPPA Compliant Software

Billing & Audit Protection

Clinical Reference Database

User Friendly Experiences

White Glove Support

Patient Repository

Software Updates

Global Recognition

AI Integration
Billing Codes
Average Patient Session Time
Automated Performance Tests
“GaitKeeper® is just that, they are the gatekeeper of motion for clinical setting. Being an owner of practice we are looking for easy to implement outcome measures that can improve our patient outcomes and justify our sessions with payers. Now we have implemented objective outcome measures, able to bill for our time for every patient with their system specific codes and have robust functional patient information ready for reimbursement.”
Nikki Smith, PT in Motion
“Clinical PTs can now access the same capabilities to record a performance measure battery of testing that leading university biomechanics gait labs use.
Anatomical Engineering has allowed practitioners the ability to turn patient data into patient information. These patient activity reports are actionable and allow everyone to see the outcomes.”
Meg Sins, PhD, DPT at University of Delaware
“Implementing markerless motion capture is needed, having advanced algorithms to automate patient records to produce patient outcome measure reports ready for insurance reimbursement is exciting.
Our clinic is now able to be evidence based and implement everyday performance tests, similar to how dentistry has made x-rays part of their clinical workflow. We now have full visibility on our patients, audit protection and revenue stream to bill for our time. A true ROI for physical therapy.”
Dave Block, Back to sport specialist
Get control on outcome measures
GaitKeeper® users are leaders in healthcare who want to be data driven and have the ability to implement outcome measures into their ecosystem.