What is GaitKeeper®?
GaitKeeper® is a full body markerless motion analysis system. That is engineer speak for: we have a very sophisticated technology that uses cameras and some shoe insoles that will scan, record, analyze your body to give us the most thorough reporting on your movement. Within just 15-20 minutes, 8 little cameras and 2 foot sensors and some very advanced algorithms will give us some of the most accurate information than we have ever seen before (quicker than getting x-rays at the dentist). This gives your practitioner, physician and insurance the best information to provide the best care.

Better Treatment & Patient Results
Whether you are patient who is being fitted for a first prosthesis or a patient that has experienced various kinds of prosthetic devices, we are proud to say we have a technology that gives us information about how your body works from head to toe, allowing your prosthetist to give you the best custom solution for your specific needs.
Get The Most Accurate Reporting
We provide the best care for our patients by having regular, on-going visits and dialog with your prosthetist. Having you get full body scans allows us to accurately monitor your physical performance, how to get the most out of your prosthesis (foot, leg, knee, socket, liner, etc.) and how we can give you better care in the future.
How GaitKeeper® Can Help You
The technology has 8-cameras that video records your entire body as it performs multiple performance tests. The advanced algorithms calculate all your major bone segments, all your joint flexion and your biomechanics when you walk, stand, sit and balance during activities of daily living.
Let’s see all movements during walking. Does your knee hyperextend at end of stride?
What is the rate at which you walk? Can you get across a crosswalk in time?
Are you able to bend your ankle, knee, elbow, hip, back, etc. for everyday activities?
Let’s see where your center of mass / center of gravity is when moving to reduce stumbles and falls.
Are you able to carry out certain performance tests physically with verbal cues given?
What is your step length, swing time and amount of energy used during walking?
Foot Pressure
Where are you landing on each footfall? Are you getting enough support on your arch?
Let’s make sure you are getting the most out of your prosthesis, orthotics, and walking aid.
Toe Clearance
Do you have enough toe clearance so you won’t stumble and fall especially if walking on uneven surfaces.
We Turn Patient Data
Into Information
Healthcare and Patient Care has changed, so has technology. Leading prosthetic practices are heavily investing in patient outcome measures and committed to being evidence based by collecting multiple streams of data on your health and evaluating your on-going progress regularly. Practices use the GaitKeeper technology to document performance measures on all their patients, so they can supply the most accurate analysis of where you stack up against your peers at this moment and in the future. Our mission is to supply information to your primary physician, physical therapist, and insurance provider so everyone is kept in the loop.

What To Wear?
- We need you to wear form fitting clothing (no shorts, togas, dresses, or baggy clothes)
- Please wear socks as we will give you foot sensors and small ankle sensor
- Need you to wear closed toe shoes (no high heels, sandals) Sneakers are best
- No hats, no watches/jewelry
Walking aids: Cane and walkers are okay (please use practitioners walker for testing)
Best to wear a solid color shirt and solid color pants (no logos, prints, patterns or wording) bright blue and red works best
"I came in for a check-up and I complained of back pain. My prosthetist recommended going going through the GaitKeeper system. She saw that I needed a little socket alignment. The information from my GaitKeeper scan showed why I was having back and hip pain. Amazing technology!"
– Ali Sayed – Father, Husband, Teacher and Below the Knee Patient